Estate Clean-Outs: How to Navigate the Process with Ease
We recognize that estate clean-outs may be an emotional and difficult time in a home once occupied by loved ones. We handle many estate clean-outs with our junk removal service and have prepared this to help you in the process.
Estate clean-outs are generally to prepare the home for sale and is usually spelt out in the will as to how property is to be disposed of and to whom.
Estates with a will usually have an executor who is responsible to take charge of the estate process and may assign others to help. Estate clean-outs may involve selling certain items in an “estate sale”. There may be items named in the will to certain individuals who are entitled to receive these. Other items may be of personal value and may be claimed on site subject to the executor’s final word. The rest can be given away or disposed of.
Estates without a will fall under provincial “Dying Intestate” rules and requires a special process usually through a lawyer and these may take much longer to settle.
Here are some Estate Cleanout tips to make this process easier.
- Allow at least a couple of weeks for the clean-out and plan it out carefully.
- Arrange a one-day only estate sale should there be a need for one.
- Do a complete walk-thru of the home including checking the attic, garage, shed and stuff lying around the property.
- Establish who will be involved in the actual cleanout and set out the rules and procedures.
- Label items for sale and items going to certain individuals.
- Bag smaller items from cupboards, drawers, shelves, closets, boxes and containers for disposal as needed.
- Separate “hazardous” materials in a designated area for things like gasoline, oil, propane, paint, etc., for disposal to a special landfill as required by the city.
- Bag and label organics for special disposal.
- Arrange for “Junk Removal” by Anytime Bin Rentals, we are specialists in this area and provide a two-man crew to remove everything for disposal including heavy items such as appliances and furniture, hazardous materials and organics and all your items big or small.
Call us 403-875-3300 and…
“Let go of your junk”