The Problem with Clutter and How to Solve It
Clutter and junk removal are related. Stuff we no longer need taking up space in our homes and getting rid of it is a pretty common problem.
Clutter happens because most of us buy but don’t get rid of things and because emotions get involved we put it off. People have different strategies on this and I’d like to pass some ideas on.
We buy things to replace old worn-out things like clothes, tools, utensils, material, equipment, etc., but we often don’t get rid of the thing it replaced. We allow the old to sit and accumulate until it’s too much. Some people let old things go as soon as the new one is on site. Others let it build up and do a cleanup once every year or two. If its left too long it can become a big project every so often.
We often believe it still has practical value, thinking we might still need it and its not totally worn out or still looks like new or because it has some emotional attachment as a gift or passed on by a loved one. Or all the above.
Outside, clutter can build up suddenly – a new fence or deck project – and material needs to be cleared immediately. But often we let things build up in a corner of the yard or in the shed over years before we realize its time to do a major clean-up.
Stuff we buy
Shopping is a big part of our lives and gratifying and satisfying for our need to keep up with styles and the latest models and replacing old worn- out items. The trick is to throw out the old when the time is due.
Some folks have a rule to throw out one old for every new.
The problem is, the longer it sits there, the harder to part, because now it’s taken hold of your sentimental side and now it’s a permanent fixture in your closet or corner of the garage or basement.
I might need this one day
Holding on to an old item, because you might need it one day but usually doesn’t, is pretty common until you’re out of space.
A good place to start is realizing that if it hasn’t been used in a year or two it probably never will be and may be time to let it go.
Buying new tools and utensils, clothes and furniture, are a good time to toss the older one. Much of our space is taken up with the old items unused for all time.
After a few generations mementos can build up to a big part of our space in our home. These can have tangible and/or antique value and others are special just because of who gave it to you, often a simple stone or piece of wood can have more meaning or be just as important to us as some expensive real art and can be as hard to part with.
Estate Sales and Clean-outs
Estates sales and clean-outs often come suddenly and without notice forcing a parting of many of the things and much of the clutter in a very short emotional time. In our Junk Removal Package, we see families, many from afar, come together having to sort the special from the ordinary over a very short period. Decisions come hard and fast to get the job done usually in a week or two.
Some situations with valuable heirlooms can include an actual estate sale or auction at the property, once everything else is cleaned out. Often, the property is simply a clean-out and a few items are easily divided between the individuals taking part. A whole house clean-out can take many bins to finish up.
Clutter happens in every home to some degree or another. In our experience, our customers call to do spring clean-up outside and inside. Our Junk Removal Package and crew helps with the physical job and heavy lifting and can finish up in less than four hours.
Whether we keep pace with de-cluttering with our buying or wait until an opportune time, we often hear, “What a relief…” after its done and totally understandable.
Regardless, it’s usually a load off our mind to be rid of those old unused items and freed up space in our homes. In many cases, after years of accumulating too many things, de-cluttering can be an uplifting, freedom inspiring moment and very satisfying.
If junk has taken over your life, give us a call and let go of your junk!
Call us 403-875-3300 and…
“Let go of your junk”